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2024 Keynote Speakers

Jen Mueller

Scott Cawood

2024 Emcee

Matt Johnson

2024 Speakers

Amy Beacom

Tracy Bean

David Cichelli

Dieuwertje Conrad

Michelle Corman

Nicole Dietrich

Jennifer Ferris

Ryan Fowler

Jenni Marquez

Dayna Provitt

Brent Schlosstein

Brent holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics from the University of Washington and is one of just 300 healthcare consultants in the U.S. to be accredited by Health Rosetta. He’s Past President of the Lake Washington Human Resources Association and a member of numerous insurance Advisory Councils in Washington state. In his spare time, Brent continues to work on his golf game where, one day, he plans to shoot his age.

Andrew Schpak

Serilda Summers-McGee

Dan Walter